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High School Student Services


We understand that life’s journey doesn’t always follow a straight path, especially in your adolescent years.

Our program isn’t just about academics; it includes comprehensive support for your mental and emotional well-being through free counseling and therapy services.

HS Grad celebrating with their hands in the air as they walk across the stage at graduation.

The Need for Emotional & Psychological Support

Some common reasons for dropping out of high school include substance abuse, behavioral issues, bullying, and a general lack of mental health support. Many students need support during this transitional time in their teen years.

Beyond academic demands, the emotional pressures can make this journey daunting. The integration of professional therapy and counseling into educational frameworks can be highly beneficial. This support, offered at no additional cost, extends beyond the students to include their families, ensuring a holistic approach.

A HS Graduate receiving a hug at graduation from their mentor.

Addressing Mental Health Challenges

  • Navigating Life Transitions: Returning to school can be a major life transition that comes with stress and uncertainty.
  • Dealing with a Traumatic Event: Students often face personal challenges or past traumas that can hinder academic success.
  • Creating a Supportive Environment: A supportive emotional environment is critical to student success, encouraging engagement and persistence.

Benefits for Students

How therapy from a clinical psychologist can help you…

Engaging in therapy can dramatically enhance the educational experience and outcomes for a young person in their daily life.


Enhance Focus

Mental health issues can cloud thinking and distract from studies. Regular teen counseling sessions help improve your ability to concentrate for longer periods, which is vital for learning and academic success. Addressing anxiety effectively through a treatment plan can reduce feelings of overwhelm and panic attacks, making it easier to focus on tasks and exams.


Foster Growth

Therapy isn’t just about addressing problems; it’s also a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, helping you understand and harness your potential. Returning to high school and facing academic challenges can be daunting in new ways. Therapy offers a supportive space to build self-confidence and affirm your abilities.


Inclusive & Accessible Support

Our counseling and therapy services are designed to be inclusive and accessible to all enrolled students and their families. Whether you choose face-to-face sessions or prefer the convenience of online therapy, it is our goal to ensure you receive the support you need in a way that works best for you.


Create Positive Change

Develop effective methods to handle stressful situations, negative emotions, and setbacks, which are critical skills in academic settings and life. Becoming more resilient helps you adapt to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges, an essential skill in today’s fast-paced world.


Finish High School

Understanding and managing your emotions can greatly improve your communication skills and relationships with teachers and peers. Individual sessions and family therapy help develop these skills, making the school environment more navigable and less stressful.


Long-Term Success

The benefits of therapy don’t just help you while you’re in school; they equip you with lifelong skills. Effective communication, resilience, and self-awareness are just a few of the competencies that you will continue to use long after graduation. By fostering these skills, therapy not only enhances your ability to graduate but also prepares you for future challenges in higher education, careers, and personal life.

A student looking at their phone while sitting on a couch.

Accessibility Features:

  • Flexible Scheduling: Individual therapy sessions are scheduled at various times, accommodating different needs and time zones.
  • Multiple Languages: Services offered in English and Spanish to cater to our diverse student body.

What sets us apart

Grad Solutions Prioritizes Mental Health

By referring students to trusted mental health professionals, we make mental health care accessible and seamless. We handle all the logistics and costs, so you can focus on what truly matters—your education and well-being.

Therapy and counseling are gateways to personal growth and success. At Grad Solutions, we partner with seasoned therapists to provide in-person sessions in Gilbert, AZ and flexible online teletherapy options.

Change your life's direction. Your Diploma is Waiting.

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