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Student Honor Code Agreement

The purpose of this Honor Code is to set forth rules by which the students enrolled with Grad Solutions are managed with respect to academic matters. The integrity of the academic community at Grad Solutions depends upon the maintenance of the highest ethical standards. The success or failure of this Honor Code is dependent on the willingness of those governed by the Code to enforce it and to make an individual commitment to comply with its provisions.

Grad Solutions students are expected to comply with specific learning processes and academic standards for each course. The Honor Code promotes trust in our community, helps develop core values, ensures the comprehension of content and prepares you to adhere to high standards of academic honesty.

Violations of the honor code disrupt the community of trust necessary to support the standards of academic achievement.

Academic Misconduct

Examples of academic misconduct, include, but are not limited to:

  • Using outside resources to answer assessment items.
  • Plagiarism: The use of passages, materials, words or ideas that come from someone or something else, without properly citing the source.

a) Turning in, for credit, any assignment that is not based on the student’s own research including papers from a commercial term paper company and papers written by anyone other than the student or making up and falsifying data.

b) You should assume that everything you find on the Internet is copyrighted, unless otherwise labeled. Submitting work, ideas or answers that are not from your originally thoughts are considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is an act of fraud.

It’s Simple: Always, always, do your OWN work!

Academic Consequences:

Any student found by a teacher or Director to have committed academic misconduct will be subject to the following:

  1. First offense: Reset of course content.
  2. Second offense: Al pretesting privileges are removed.
  3. Third offense: Meeting with the Executive Director of Education or other administration

We believe:

  • You are unique and capable of learning.
  • You learn in diverse ways and require a variety of teaching and assessment strategies.

Student Honor Code:

  • All work will be submitted as my own, I will not copy another person’s work.
  • I will not consult unauthorized material or information during tests/assessments unless my teacher gives me permission.
  • I will not plagiarize.
  • I will not copy text, graphics, mathematics solutions, artistic layouts or presentations, or any ideas in any form from another source without proper citation.
  • I will not communicate exam information or answers during or following an exam.
  • I will not provide Edgenuity materials or information to anyone.
  • I will not turn in an original paper or project for more than one class assignment except with prior approval.
  • I promise to engage in the content of each course so that I master the standards set forth by the Arizona Department of Education.

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